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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SHAM sheti aujare 7, 8
attar ajmal auladah 3
auld bar +man 33
SHIVA aum +trident & drum 42
AVANI aumai 31
AQUAGUARD total aumm 7, 16
AK aune kramar 14
aunt BETTY'S 30
aunty SPICE OF LIFE +woman 30
ua uncle aunty +crown 29
HUMSAFAR sehat aur swad ka 30
KEDIA rice khao aur khilao 30
NAGRAJ chand aur tare +girl 5
NAGRAJ chand aur tare +kids 30
OK neem aur tulsi +leaves 3
VASU rath aur din 3
makaan aur dukaan +square 36
BIO MIME aura 10
CELLUMINATION aura essence 3
IHA aura of nature +oval 5
RELIANCE aura international 42
divine karma oorja aura-SCA 16
aurangabad MALT 9, 16
THE MEADOWS aurangabad +lea 16
AUROFAS aurokripa financial 9
aurora pink 2
ESSENCE d'auroville 3
w WEDGE aus/78 +square 25
aushad 34
GAYATRI bala aushadh +child 5
SARDAR aushadh +god & circl 5
SVADESHI aushadh +god circl 5
KARAMATI ayurved aushadhi 5
SUKESHI TEL aushadhi 5
TAYYEBI dant aushadhi 5
power ayurvedic aushadhi 5
SHRI RAM aushdhalaya 5
URGE sydney aussie attitude 25
australia NETWORK 9, 16, 38, 41
australia SOTC HOLIDAY PASS 42
ALL TIME australia +kangaro 9, 35
BLUE ROO australia +kangaro 30
HEALTHY HEART australia 32
I AIM india australia +oval 41
PIPING HOT australia +circl 25
PIPING HOT australia +man 28
SEAFOLLY s australia +star 25
SPORT KNOWLEDGE australia 9, 16
australia 42
TAJ rice australia 30
UNSW australia +lion shield 42
UTSAV! australia 40
V-ROD australia 9
wine australia +kangaroo 33, 35
australian fitness academy 41, 42
FOSTER'S australian strong 32
authentic +triangle & oval 12
authentic BOGARI STUDIO 25
authentic CEEPENS jeans 25
ABOU SHAWARMA authentic 43
B BRINDA authentic hardware 6
BASICS SPORT authentic issu 25
BATA authentic MOCASSINC 25
BATA authentic MOCASSINO 25
BUBUT authentic +bird squar 25
BULLET authentic +shield 25, 35
D DEMOND authentic casuals 25
GREEN WAYS authentic shirts 25
IBK authentic styling 25
JOHN GRIBBY authentic 25
KAASHI authentic benares 24
KITCHEN'S PROMISE authentic 29, 32
KIZ authentic indian +flowe 31
MOOG authentic repair 16
RAGAZZO authentic wear 25
RIMO original & authentic 25
SHREE SHUBHAM authentic 35
SIDE CAR authentic 25
STOKE authentic design 25
VINETA authentic cuisine 30
ZIZ authentic lebanese 43
genuine authentic APEX 24
ASPA authentication solutio 35
TUTIS authentication system 9, 42
authentics ENDEAVOUR EXCEL 38
BUTTERFLY authenticwear 25
authorised BILLING TICKETIN 16, 42
SAP sony authorised partner 9
stud book authority +horse 41
SWAR music autio & video 9
auto 17, 25
auto +wheel 12
auto BAJAJ 4
auto BIRD 11
auto CHIME +wheel 12
auto COOL N EZ 12
auto DRIVE 12
auto EASE 12
auto FOCUZ 12
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